As leaders in the field of property depreciation we welcome competition.
Not only does competition lead to innovation and better value for our customers, it also highlights the level of professionalism that we offer and differentiates our service.
The highest accolade that we have received over the years is to see our competitors change their service models and reports in order to reflect our own. As they say, ‘imitation is the greatest form of flattery’.

At ACP Quantity Surveyors we will always seek to offer you the best value for your money and the best possible return for your money.
If you have obtained a number of depreciation quotations you may well be confused by the range at prices. Of course, the decision is yours, but to be clear, not all depreciation reports are the same. Some companies do not offer the same level of service, they may offer a ‘two-page budget report’ or it may be that they only offer a 10-year schedule.
To help you decide if you are getting the best value for your money and a high-quality report, we offer the following summary as a checklist that we hope will help you make an informed decision when selecting your depreciation report provider. Obviously, we hope that you will select our team and ask that you contact us directly if you have any further property-specific questions.
*ACP Platinum Service Inclusions | Our Depreciation Service |
Report Duration | 40 Year Depreciation Report (not 5, 10 or 20 yrs) |
Property Inspection by our trained assessors including arrangements with your property manager and tenant | Included in Platinum Reports |
Inclusion of schedules for both Diminishing Value and Prime Cost Method of Claim | Included |
Graph showing Difference between Alternate claim methods | Included |
Comprehensive report (excludes ‘filler pages’) | Included |
Deferred Asset Schedules for 2nd Hand Plant and Equipment (Post 9 May 2017) | Included |
Report Prepared by Quantity Surveyors specialising in Tax Depreciation (Member of AIQS and Registered Tax Practitioner with TPB) | Included |
Copy of Report sent to your accountant (pdf) | Included |
Plain English Reporting | Included |
Trained Help Desk Operator | Included |
40 Year LifeTime Report (Pay once – figures provided for the next 40 Years!) | Included |